Friday Apr 22, 2016
Coach Crystal we are saddened by your loss, but rejoice in the knowledge your Mom is no longer suffering but is celebrating in the streets of Heaven.
May her strength and courage during this time be a support to your and your family.
Donna Currie - (Providence RI)
Friday Apr 22, 2016
Crystal, my thoughts are with you and your family at this incredibly difficult time. May all of your memories give you strenght during the days and weeks ahead. Keep your mom alive in your heart.
The Ursillos -
Saturday Apr 23, 2016
On behalf of the board of director's, staff and members of the Smithfield YMCA I would like to offer our Christian Sympathy to Christine and family on the passing of her Mom.
Harold J Hemberger, CEO - (Smithfield)
Saturday Apr 23, 2016
Reciban Uds. mis condolencias y respetos ante la experiencia mas devastadora que puede sufrir el ser humano, la muerte de un ser querido. La Palabra de Dios, la Biblia, nos suministra el mayor consuelo. El apóstol Pablo declaró: “Tengo esperanza en cuanto a Dios [...] de que va a haber resurrección asà de justos como de injustos†(Hechos 24:15). Hemos de tener fe en que Dios levantará a la vida a multitudes de personas (Juan 5:28, 29). Pensar en la esperanza de la resurrección es la mejor manera de consolarse cuando se llora la pérdida de un ser querido. Recordemos que "Jehova (Salmo 83:18) esta cerca de los que estan quebrantados de corazon" (Salmo 34:18).
S Asttros - (RI)
Tuesday Apr 26, 2016
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Your mother would be so proud of your accomplishments as a coach and teacher.
Martha Huston - (North Scituate, Rhode Island)
Keefe Funeral Home
5 Higginson Avenue
Lincoln, Rhode Island 02865
Telephone 401-725-4253
Thomas H. Keefe, Registered Funeral Director
Copyright 2000 Keefe Funeral Home